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Upcoming RunSmart Level One Clinic in Austin, Texas on 11/7/2010


Search Keyword Evidence-Based
Total 28 results found. Search for [ Evidence-Based ] with Google

Results 1 - 28 of 28
1. Mission Statement
(What is SSI?) include: - cost-effective care; - oriented towards long-term self care strategies; - science- and evidence-based; - client-centered - instead of "payor" or "clinician...

... hand. A typical episode of care, in the current paradigm of what is “acceptable care” (note how I did not say “evidence-based care”) is 8 to 10 visits. As I mentioned earlier, this is considered by...
Monday, 05 July 2010

...provider list ensure quality (or value for the expense), nor does it mean that it is ultimately cost-effective or evidence-based. A step forward is to employ a fee for service model. The patient is ...
Friday, 02 July 2010

... 8, 2010 at 8:00 pm central time for the latest episode of "Consumer's Guide To Health". The phrase “ evidence-based medicine” is pervasive in health and health care now. As the phrase bec...
Tuesday, 08 June 2010

The phrase "evidence-based medicine" is pervasive in health care now. As the phrase becomes more and more common, there seems to be a growing chasm between those that utilize the scientific method, an
Wednesday, 02 June 2010

...rcos. Eric's main area of interest beyond manual physical therapy includes leveraging web technologies to improve evidence-based practice. He also has a blog entitled PT Think Tank - critical observat...
Tuesday, 27 April 2010

...unSmart will be making an appearance at the Austin Marathon Expo! An educational session entitled "RunSmart: An Evidence-Based Approach To The Injured Runner" is scheduled on Saturday February 13, 2...
Tuesday, 02 February 2010

...that the first big wave of running injuries appear. In this episode, I will discuss the injured runner - and an evidence-based approach to dealing with your running injury optimally.   ...
Sunday, 08 November 2009

9. The P1 Project
(News/Other News)
...approach to enhance the health and health care spectrum.   Consumers are also not aware of "evidence-based practice" and how these issues affect their health care. All provi...
Monday, 13 July 2009

"The Injured Runner: An Evidence-Based Approach" is a two hour presentation that I gave to the Capital Area District of the Texas Physical Therapy Association on March 24, 2009. The first
Saturday, 04 April 2009

11. Direct Access To Physical Therapy
(Blog/Professional Issues)
... a gatekeeper" … etc.   But as health care dollars grow scarce, and the demand for evidence-based medicine expands, the days of money and power are gone. The gravy trai...
Sunday, 22 February 2009

...18 at 9:30 am.   The topic of this live call-in radio show will be "The Injured Runner: An Evidence-Based Approach". The Austin Marathon is now over, and it's time to get o...
Tuesday, 17 February 2009

... navigate. Join host Allan Besselink in a discussion of current consumer issues related to competent self care, evidence-based practice, and current trends in fitness. If you are trying to train op...
Tuesday, 03 February 2009

...rise industry.   First of all, it doesn't matter whether the care is good (outcomes-driven and evidence-based) or not, your insurance carrier is likely going to pay for it. What is...
Monday, 15 December 2008

... of silence extends to our health care environment. The “silence” covers a broad scope – from evidence-based practice issues, to self-referral and “referral for profit&rdquo...
Sunday, 07 December 2008

Evidence-based practice. EBP. It's become one of the catch phrases of our era. In a land of randomized clinical trials, case reports, and clinical observation, clinicians are constantly seeking out th
Tuesday, 01 July 2008

17. Turf Wars
(Blog/Professional Issues)
... ideologies. This is perhaps one of the biggest battles that is waged - all under the premise of the mighty "evidence-based practice". As a clinician, what do you see your role is in the car...
Sunday, 15 June 2008

18. The Forgotten Role
...more than one occasion) - then in the same breath continue to claim that their students graduate practicing "evidence-based practice". Worse yet, I've watched those new graduates go on to te...
Tuesday, 18 March 2008

19. Who's Power Is It Anyways?
(Blog/Professional Issues)
...and how it is offered. To understand why adherence is important. To learn and base their competent self-care upon evidence-based principles. I'm convinced that we're now seeing what I would call ...
Tuesday, 18 December 2007

20. Running Injuries - Part 2
(Blog/Clinical Insights)
...what you believe to be true - or what you've been told to be true. What I would offer at this point is that "evidence-based medicine" starts with evidence - which is science-based and not be...
Thursday, 30 August 2007

21. Running Injuries - Part 1
(Blog/Clinical Insights)
...rust me, at this point in my career, I am not concerned about that. I'll rest my laurels on science and some good evidence-based practice. The sports sciences would tell us that there is but one ...
Sunday, 19 August 2007

22. The Revolution Starts ... Now
(Blog/Thoughts From The Edge)
...tualization, transformational learning, and organizational change. It's all about self-responsibility, education, evidence-based initiatives, and cost-effective and efficacious strategies for health a...
Monday, 26 March 2007

23. McKenzie And Systemic Mechanical Diagnosis
(Blog/Thoughts From The Edge)
This week marks the 13th anniversary of my first McKenzie course. I would bet that your first thought would be "why remember something so seemingly trivial - it was just a course"! But in o
Tuesday, 27 February 2007

24. Payment For Performance
(Blog/Professional Issues)
...tain it will make a lot of people angry - very angry.As clinicians, we're now inundated with the premise of "evidence-based medicine" and how we have to develop our practice patterns around ...
Tuesday, 20 February 2007

25. Do We Have The Evidence?
(Blog/Clinical Insights)
The talk of the town (in Anytown, USA) is "Evidence-Based Medicine". If you're in the health professions, I am sure you've become familiar with the phrase. The same holds for those in healt
Wednesday, 07 February 2007

26. Knowledge Is Power
(Blog/Professional Issues)
...ategies of self-care. The insurance world either needs to stand behind this - or not - simply put. It involves an evidence-based approach - or more so an evidence-based educational approach. It al...
Wednesday, 27 December 2006

27. Upcoming Physiotherapy Blog!
(News/Other News)
Watch this page - for insights on the healthcare professions, evidence-based medicine, and self-care strategies. We're looking at some huge developments in the world of physical therapy and the re
Thursday, 09 November 2006

28. Smart Life Manifesto
(Category List)
... are as follows: - cost-effective care - oriented towards long-term self care strategies - science- and evidence-based, and - client-centered - instead of "payor" or "cli...

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