...apacity, then you should be able to “go longer” simply by altering the speed of movement – and having an effective race management strategy (which includes mental discipline and attentional focus, pro...
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
...lly need to know when to consume carbohydrate, when to hydrate, and at what rate is best for me? I call this "race management " - the cognitive task of simply having a plan and the discipline...
Wednesday, 06 February 2008
...ut for me, it was a simple re-affirmation of where the sport will head with time. Athletes with mental focus, good race management strategies, and power to burn (that can run like the wind) will be th...
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
I wanted to thank you for your input on the nutrition/hydration for the marathon. I PR’d and got the 4 hour monkey off my back with a 3:59:57 finish. I started fueling early and often, and wa
Tuesday, 06 March 2007
...h of “going longer” - either from sprint to Olympic, or Olympic to Iron – involves having a good race management plan. This consists of being able to “dose your effort and paci...
Saturday, 25 November 2006
"Faster, stronger, smarter, and PRs from Olympic to IM distance all in the same year and this on LESS training time. The only reason I did not PR a sprint race is that I never got one on the ca
Saturday, 29 July 2006
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